Friday Finds

Babies don't make any sense

The vast difference between early or late twenties

Can. Not. Stop. Laughing.

How adorable is this etsy shop? {update: Emily from Animalito Clay has offer all my readers 20% off until Friday May 3rd with the coupon code 'SARAH'- Thanks Emily!!}

My inner space geek just freaked

Why Adam Levine? Why???

What a fantastic new mom gift


Jimmy Kimmel - comic genius

My inner 90s kid just freaked out

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, thanks so much for featuring my Etsy shop (AnimalitoClay) on your blog! As a thank you, I've created a coupon code for your readers to get 20% off through next Friday. The coupon code is 'SARAH' and it can be entered at checkout. Valid on any little animal! :)

    Thanks again and have a happy weekend!
